Sump Pump Installation in Toronto and the GTA

In the event of basement, crawlspace or home flooding, you may find yourself relying on the effectiveness and surety a sump pump provides. Being sure your sump pump is in solid working order and ready to take on your needs is integral to preventing and mitigating disaster! Take advantage of DrainCom Sump Pump installation and repair service today and be ready to handle any aquatic misfortune that may come your way.

Our team of certified experts are ready and equipped, boasting industry-leading skill and technology for all of your home basement waterproofing and drain repair projects and concerns. Our business thrives on bringing our consumers unparalleled service, and we guarantee honesty, integrity and transparency on each and every job.

Count on our professionals to bring the right tools and knowledge one hundred percent of the time, guaranteed!

Looking for professional Sump Pump Installation in the Toronto & GTA?

Contact DrainCom today, either online or over the phone at 905-238-6800 for a Free Estimate

What Are Sump Pumps?

If you’re unfamiliar with a sump pump, we recommend becoming good friends with one right away! These sump pumps are designed to assist in the prevention of basement flooding. Sump Pump accomplish this by collecting excess water and disposing of it diverting it away from your foundation.

Sump Pumps in Toronto & GTA are used both in times of emergency, to pump standing water out of a flooding basement, and as a general moisture deterrent. They are most useful in homes where the foundation or basement exist below the water table, and thus are prone to collecting excess moisture.

Sump Pump Maintenance

Ensuring your sump pump is ready for action is the best way to prepare for possible flooding disaster. Between uses, a pump may begin to wear due to any number of reasons, including:

  • Age
  • External damage
  • Internal damage
  • Clogging
  • Mechanical failure
  • And more!

To avoid any concerns regarding the wellbeing of your pump, be sure to call on our professionals regularly to ensure your sump pump is in fine working order.

Basement Flooding Protection Subsidy Program

The City of Toronto provides a financial subsidy against basement flooding.

It offers $3,400 as subsidy to home-owners for installation of flood protection equipment or devices such as:

  • Backwater Valve
  • Sump Pump
  • Foundation drain (weeping tile) pipe severance and capping
Contact DrainCom Today
Basement Waterproofing & Drain Repair Services
Free Estimate 905-238-6800

List of Rebates Program Available:

City of Toronto – all GTA (Etobicoke, North York, Scarborough, Toronto)

  • $1750 for new sump pump/pit installation
  • $1250 for new backwater valve installation on main sanitary drain
  • $400 for pipe severance and capping

For more information click here (City of Toronto) or give us a call

Peel region (Mississauga, Brampton, Town of Caledon)

  • $1500 for backwater valve installation
  • $75 for downspouts disconnection
  • $6000 new sump pump installation

For more information click here (Peel region website) or call Draincom for more info.

City of Vaughan

$750 for backwater valve installation

For more information click here or call Draincom for more info.

Durham region (Pickering, Ajax, Uxbridge, Oshawa, Whitby, Clarington)

$3000 interest free 3 year loan for backwater valve/sump pump installation

For more information click here

Sump Pump Repair and Replacement in Toronto & GTA

Unfortunately, it’s the nature of all good appliances to eventually hit a snag or two. In times like these, you can count on the experts at DrainCom to address any form of repair, including:

  • Clogs and debris buildup. When your pump takes on more than it can handle, our professionals can clear the path and ensure proper flow is restored!
  • Switch issues. Some sump pumps in Toronto are prone to switch failure, leading to a very unfortunate stint of inactivity in times when you can’t afford it. Let us get that switch flipped, and your pump back in working order.
  • Strange sounds during operation. This could be any number of issues, but rest assured we can locate the problem and handle it with ease!
  • Damaged impeller. When your pump “runs” but the water doesn’t go anywhere, it usually indicates an issue with the impeller. This is an easy repair in the hands of our certified professionals.

If your pump has simply grown tired and overwhelmed, count on DrainCom to provide exceptional replacements with our industry-leading products.

Professional Sump Pump Installation Service in Toronto and GTA

We’ve proudly served Toronto and the surrounding areas for nearly fifty years, and in that time we’ve learned a thing or two about how to satisfy a customer. We pledge to provide top quality service, backed with perfect skill and the latest in plumbing tech to be sure we get every project done right! To learn more about how our pump services can help your home, contact a professional at DrainCom today!

Contact DrainCom today for all your basement waterproofing and drain repair needs. Whether you’re a homeowner, a landlord or a business owner, you’ll find DrainCom treats you like family. Give us a call – at DrainCom, solving your plumbing and waterproofing problems is a lead-pipe cinch!

City of Toronto Sump Pump Installation Video

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